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Diogo Marques dos Santos

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010

20 anos de Unidade Alemã

"Several hundred thousand people were expected in the northern city of Bremen, which is hosting the celebrations this year, for street parties and events led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was brought up in East Germany.

In a video podcast on the eve of the celebrations, Merkel paid tribute to East Germans for having "the courage to fight for freedom."

"At the same time, there was a huge wave of solidarity from the people in West Germany," she said. "It is thanks to these joint efforts that we have been able to rebuild so quickly and make Germany a country that is respected in the world."

Also expected to attend the reunification celebrations were European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

US President Barack Obama congratulated the country, praising "the courage and conviction of the German people that brought down the Berlin Wall, ending decades of painful and artificial separation."

The peaceful reunification of East and West Germany was a "historic achievement," he said.

The reunification treaty was signed on October 3, 1990, just under a year after the Berlin Wall was pulled down in a bloodless revolution, and brought the two halves of the country together amid joyful scenes." (...)


Saudações Protocolares 

Diogo Santos Rosa

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